Informations about Spartacus Color Scheme by Romain Gauvin ゥ 1998 v1.0
Spartacus is designed for Kaleidoscope 1.8 but still work on oldier version .Its Freeware but I wouldn' t mind an e-mail .
This Scheme is part of a new Color Scheme Pack named "Personnality" , each Scheme included into this Pack is one of the personnality of the numerous Mac Users .And each Scheme is named like an Apple Computer , each Macintosh has his personnality , Spartacus for instance.
Spartacus is in fact the twentieth anniversary Macintosh . For me Spartacus corresponds to a quiet user ( that explains the calming colors) , but who loves Hi Tech too .
If you have any comments or wich to have new schemes or better ( for me ) to test Color Schemes in beta testing . just mail to